Letters to Emmalyn

Letters to Emmalyn - Half a year

Half a year has already flown by -- a collaboration of long days and short months that if I blink are gone. I'm trying to savor every moment & drink in every bit of you, your smell, your littleness, your curiosity, it is all so unbelievable. I kiss your cheeks at least a hundred times a day and I'm reminded that its going so fast.  I still can remember the newborn days and yet I can't all at the same time. You are six months old and these are the days that are filled with your sweet baby babble of dadadada, watching you reach for things that interest you, sitting up by yourself, trying solid foods, and letting out giggles of infectious laughter that fill my soul to the very top. You have brought us such incredible joy (fitting that its your middle name) and when strangers used to pass by that was all they did until we had you, now they stop and also get a bit of that joy.  I hope you know how loved you are and I hope you always have that smile to share. 

Love you so much baby girl and have such immense gratitude that you are ours.

xo Mommy

Letters to Emmalyn

Dear Emma,

You're finally here and you're absolutely perfect. You have the sweetest demeanor and I fall more in love with you with each minute that I look at you.

Angels have kissed your eyes and you love holding your hands close to your face, cupped in the calmest way. You have your Daddy's hands and feet and my lips. Your hair is light brown with hints of red and you have these deep blue eyes that I get lost in. You love sucking on your hands, you love to softly stroke the side of me when I feed you and you love the sound of Daddy singing to you and his guitar playing. I'm so in love with you and I couldn't be more in love with your Daddy, I want to wrap you both up in my arms and keep it like this forever and ever (well maybe with a little more sleep involved.) But life doesn't get much sweeter or perfect then this.

Your labor and delivery was longer then we all expected (28 hours!) Daddy had guessed the closest to when you were going to be born but even he was 3 hours off, you took your time, all the while we listened to hawaiian music and friends came to visit. You and I had people surrounding us the entire time and it was a wonderful feeling to know how loved you were already. Your grandparents slept in chairs in the waiting room for hours, our good friends Kevin and Diana came by and Mommy even had time to eat a popsicle. When it finally came time to give you a push out your grandmas and Daddy were in the delivery room and I was over the moon with excitement that I was finally going to meet you. Finally going to see those feet and toes that had kicked me in the side for so long, finally going to meet your sweet face, finally get to know you and finally get to hold you in my arms and love you. I will never forget the moment you came out (a mere 20 minutes of pushing bliss) and they placed you on my chest. I cried. You were and always will be perfect in my eyes. You are the perfect little miracle that your Dad and I waited so long to have. I can't believe you are finally here and you are ours. Love you baby girl.

Love, Mommy